Buy Backlinks in 2024: How to do it right?

Have you ever wondered how to buy backlinks in the right way? You did! Buying the right backlinks ensures boosting your online presence.

But buying backlinks is not like buying shoes. You can try different shoe sizes and choose one, but if you buy spammy and unnecessary backlinks, then you will understand the cause. 

We do not recommend you take risks, and that's why we are here to share with you how to buy backlinks and what it takes to do it correctly. 

 It's time to dive in and level your online presence with the help of link building.

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What is Backlink Buying?

Backlink buying is a strategic practice in which website owners or marketers acquire links from other websites to boost their own site’s search engine ranking and online visibility. It involves purchasing links from reputable sources that direct traffic back to your website.

One of the most influential and stress-free ways to buy backlinks is through agencies like These agencies specialize in providing affordable backlink packages created to suit your needs. With, you can have a diverse range of high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites, helping you enhance your online presence and quickly achieve your SEO goals.

It is essential to know that link-building agencies provide the highest quality backlinks at affordable prices. This is why link building outsourcing works well. If you purchase all the tools, then you will notice that you spend more money on costs, and spending that amount, you could get quality links. You can buy backlinks and see the boost in your online presence and visibility in 3 months.

Is Paying For Backlinks a Good Idea?

Paying for backlinks can be a smart strategy for boosting your website’s visibility and ranking, provided it’s done wisely. 

Firstly, you may spend significant money if you hire a link builder specialist and purchase all the tools for backlink acquisition. In contrast, buying backlinks from reputable agencies like can be more cost-effective. These agencies offer well-structured packages at affordable prices, saving you time and money in the long run.

However, it’s essential to tread carefully when purchasing backlinks. While cheap backlinks may seem tempting, they often come with risks. A good-quality backlink typically comes at a fixed price, reflecting the effort and expertise required to secure it. 

Backlinks priced significantly lower than the industry standard may be of questionable quality and could even harm your website’s reputation and ranking.

Therefore, when considering buying backlinks, it’s crucial to prioritize quality over cost. You can research and find agencies with success stories, such as, that offer affordable yet high-quality backlink solutions, ensuring that your investment produces positive results for your website’s success.

Does Google allow buying backlinks?

buy backlinks

Google prohibits the buying and selling of backlinks as a means to manipulate search engine rankings. According to Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, any link scheme aimed at artificially inflating a site’s ranking is considered a violation of their policies. 

Therefore, it’s essential to build high-quality backlinks organically through valuable content creation, outreach, and genuine relationship-building with other websites in your niche.

While buying backlinks means buying spammy and low-quality links, there is another strategy to working with a building agency and getting a consultation. It allows strategic link building rather than buying low-quality and risky links. 

Many link-building companies offer fair and transparent reporting, allowing you to understand how they get the backlinks and whether they are from authoritative websites. You can learn how to outsource your link building for success and not risk your website. 

Again, do not get into the trap of those cheap links, as these are usually low-quality and spammy links that will harm your website.

What are fake backlinks? Backlinks from link farms

Fake backlinks are links obtained through manipulative practices to inflate a website’s search engine ranking artificially. One common source of fake backlinks is link farms, which are networks of websites created only for building links rather than providing valuable content. 

These link farms often have low-quality, irrelevant websites to host links, with little to no genuine engagement or user interaction. Backlinks from such sources are considered fake because they do not genuinely reflect the link’s authority or relevance but rather serve as an attempt to manipulate search engine algorithms.

How to Identify fake backlinks using Ahrefs👇🏻

Step 1: Sign In to the Ahrefs account

Step 2: Enter Your Domain in the search bar

Step 3: Go to the Backlink Profile

This will show you all the backlinks pointing to your domain.

check backlink portfolio

Step 4: Analyze Referring Domains

Click on the “Referring domains” tab to see all the links to the site.

Step 5: Check the Quality of Referring Domains

Review the referring domains’ Domain Rating (DR) and URL Rating (UR). Link farms often have low-quality sites with low DR and UR.

Step 6: Analyze Anchor Text

Look for repetitive and unnatural anchor text patterns, indicating manipulative linking practices.

Step 8: Use the “Link Intersect” Tool

Identify any low-quality sites linked to multiple competitors that could be part of a link farm network.

Step 9: Check the Link Graph

If you see that the graph drops immediately, it means it is a link farm, and you should avoid it. 

The organic traffic should look like this 👇🏻Having continuous growth with the growing line.

link farm traffic

💲 How much should a backlink cost?

backlink price

The cost of a backlink can vary greatly depending on the industry and specific circumstances. On average, the price for each backlink typically falls from $5 to $5000

💡What Accounts for This Large Price Difference?

There are several factors contributing to the significant variation in the cost of obtaining links from different websites. Let’s break down the primary reasons behind this price disparity.

  • High-traffic, Prestigious Websites

Imagine your website being mentioned on a high-traffic, prestigious platform like Forbes, The New York Times, or similar. These websites attract millions of visitors daily, making any mention or link on these platforms extremely valuable. Not only will such a link significantly boost your website’s search engine ranking due to the high domain authority of these sites, but it will also drive substantial direct traffic to your site. The credibility and prestige associated with these platforms also enhance your brand’s reputation. Because of these benefits, securing a link on such websites can cost anywhere from 💲3,000 to 💲5,000, a price justified by their immense value.

  • Established Niche Websites

The second category includes real, reputable websites that have been around for years. These sites have diligently worked on building their brand and have shown steady growth over time. They may have different traffic levels than major news outlets, but they offer highly relevant and engaged audiences within specific niches. Links from these websites are precious for businesses looking to reach targeted demographics. Editors of such websites typically charge between 💲150 to 💲1,000 for a link, reflecting the balance between their established authority and niche appeal.

  • PBNs and Link Farms

PBN , link farm

The third category encompasses Private Blog Networks (PBNs) and link farm sites. These sites are often created with the only purpose of selling links. They tend to have lower domain authority and may engage in manipulative practices that can eventually lead to penalties from search engines. While the links from these sites are considerably cheaper, ranging from 💲5 to 💲150, they come with higher risks. Relying on these links can harm your website’s reputation and SEO in the long run as search engines continue to crack down on such manipulative tactics.

Understanding these categories and their associated costs helps make informed decisions about where to invest for link-building. While cheaper links can be tempting, the long-term benefits of securing links from reputable, high-traffic websites often justify the higher costs. Always consider the site’s quality, relevance, and authority when planning your link-building strategy to ensure sustainable growth and avoid potential penalties.

💡Buying Links For Non-SEO Specialists

Buying links for your website is a serious and delicate process. If you’re not an SEO specialist, it’s easy to be misled, spend a lot of money, and see no results. Here are some important do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when buying backlinks:

Do’s and Don’ts of Buying Backlinks👇🏻

Avoid Buying Thousands of Links from Providers on Fiverr or Similar Sites

Providers on platforms like Fiverr often promise thousands of backlinks for a very low price. However, these links are usually of poor quality and can lead to Google penalizing your site for using black hat SEO techniques.

Realistic Expectations

Think about it – is it realistic to get 900 or 1,000 high-quality backlinks in a month? The answer is no. High-quality link building takes time. If you buy many low-quality links, you’re saving your budget and risking your site’s reputation. Poor-quality backlinks can harm your site’s ranking and make it harder for you to recover.

Check the Website Where Your Link Will Be Placed

Before buying a link, thoroughly check the website where your link will appear. Ensure the site is reputable, relevant to your niche, and has good traffic.

Quality Over Quantity

One high-quality backlink from a respected website is worth much more than dozens of links from low-quality sites. A link from a reputable site can improve your site’s authority and attract targeted visitors.

Get a Clear Guarantee

Make sure that any link you buy has a clear guarantee. This guarantee should state that the link will not be deleted and that if it is, it will be restored without any extra charge. Additionally, ensure that the link will be a do-follow link, as these links pass on SEO value to your site.

Work with Link Building Specialists

Instead of consulting general providers to buy links, work with link building specialists. We are professionals who use organic outreach processes to obtain links. We build relationships with reputable websites and secure high-quality backlinks that benefit your site.

The Risks of Buying Low-Quality Backlinks👇🏻

Buying low-quality backlinks might seem quick and cheap to improve your SEO, but it often backfires.

Here’s why:

  • Google Penalties: Google’s algorithms are designed to detect unnatural link patterns. If you buy links from low-quality sites, your website could be penalized, resulting in a drop in rankings or even removal from search results.
  • Wasted Budget: Money spent on low-quality backlinks is money wasted. These links do not provide value and can harm your site’s SEO.
  • Long-Term Damage: Recovering from a Google penalty can be time-consuming and costly. It’s better to invest in high-quality backlinks from the start than to spend time and money fixing the damage caused by poor-quality links.

However, it’s important to remember that this figure is just a general estimate and may change based on factors such as the linking domain’s authority, the content’s relevance, and the industry’s competitiveness. At, 1 link costs 150$, which is affordable, and at the same time, we provide high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites. 

When considering purchasing backlinks, it’s essential to balance affordability and quality. While it’s tempting to opt for cheaper options, especially for those on a budget, investing in high-quality backlinks from reputable sources can generate better long-term results for your website’s SEO efforts. 

It’s crucial to conduct detailed research and evaluate the value each backlink can provide to your website before deciding. Finding the right balance between affordability and quality is critical to maximizing the usefulness of your backlink strategy.

What Are the Alternatives to Buying Backlinks?

Instead of purchasing backlinks, you can employ several alternative strategies to build a strong backlink profile organically. One practical approach is to create high-quality, valuable content that naturally attracts backlinks from other websites. 

By consistently producing informative articles, engaging infographics, or insightful videos, you can establish your website as a reputable source of information within your industry, promoting other websites to link back to your content. 

Engaging in outreach and building genuine relationships with influencers, bloggers, and industry leaders can also lead to natural backlink opportunities. 

Collaborating on guest posts, participating in industry forums and discussions, and sharing your expertise through interviews or podcasts are all excellent ways to earn backlinks authentically.

 These organic strategies may require more time and effort than purchasing backlinks. Still, they offer long-term benefits in terms of improved search engine rankings, increased website traffic, and enhanced credibility within your industry. It is up to you to choose the right link building strategy, but remember that everything will be fine if you choose the best link building agency.

You can choose the link building agency that aligns with your goals and budget and feel like you can work with that agency.

Final Thoughts

We shared with you how you can buy backlinks and how to do it correctly. As we have shared, the best way is through link building agencies that have experience and will provide the highest quality backlinks at affordable prices.

At GoPeak, we provide a FREE 1st link, so you can book a demo call with our co-founders and ask them for a FREE consultation and FREE 1st link. If you refer to them, you will see that you have read this article and came from the blog section, then you will have a surprise🎉🎉🎉🎉

We wish you good luck! Spend your money wisely buying high-quality backlinks, and remember the rule of thumb: “quality over quantity.”


What is Backlink Buying?

Backlink buying is a strategic practice in which website owners or marketers acquire links from other websites to boost their own site’s search engine ranking and online visibility. It involves purchasing links from reputable sources that direct traffic back to your website.

Does Google allow buying backlinks?

Google prohibits the buying and selling of backlinks as a means to manipulate search engine rankings. According to Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, any link scheme aimed at artificially inflating a site’s ranking is considered a violation of their policies. 

How much should a backlink cost?

The cost of a backlink can vary greatly depending on the industry and specific circumstances. On average, the price for each backlink typically falls from $5 to $5000. 

Which backlinks should be avoided?   

Spammy backlinks, for example, are links obtained from low-quality or irrelevant websites that engage in black-hat SEO tactics. These links can harm your site’s credibility and may result in penalties from search engines like Google.

What are fake backlinks?

Fake backlinks are links obtained through manipulative practices to inflate a website’s search engine ranking artificially. One common source of fake backlinks is link farms, which are networks of websites created only for building links rather than providing valuable content.

Anahit Babkenyan is a proficient content writer; she creates SEO-friendly content with scholarly research. She enjoys traveling, reading books on the trains, and creative writing in her spare time.

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